Something Fresh is on the way…

Save Time and Money on your Groceries with our AI-powered app!

Freshest is your new favorite app - we harness the latest in AI technology to save you money, manage your pantry, organize your favorite meals, and so much more.

Meet your new AI grocery assistant.

Freshest is your new AI grocery assistant. Freshest is more than just a grocery list - it helps you organize and track what’s in your pantry, fridge, and freezer; plan out your purchases; and find the best deals on your daily grocery shopping list.

Share Recipes

Save on Groceries

Discover Local Produce

Restock your Pantry

Share Recipes Save on Groceries Discover Local Produce Restock your Pantry

Our App

Freshest is a new spin on the old paper shopping list - and is a whole lot smarter. The main difference? Freshest brings the latest AI and analytics to bring your grocery list into the 21st century.

Join our mailing list to be the first to know when Freshest launches, and be in the loop on brand new features!

How does it work?

  1. Take a Photo of your Grocery Receipt

  2. Our AI reads and interprets your purchases

  3. Your new purchases are added to your Virtual Pantry, replacing any old or repeated items

  4. Prices are recorded and shared with other shoppers using the app

Why install Freshest?

Save on your grocery bill

Freshest helps you find the best prices to save on your grocery purchases.

Restock your Pantry

Restock your pantry with ease - Freshest harnesses the newest in AI to predict and help build your future grocery list.

Share your table with friends

Share your shopping list, favorite recipes, current meals, and so much more with your family and friends.


Join Freshest


The Freshest App for iOS & Android is the #1 most convenient and fool proof way to control all of your grocery and meal planning needs - all in one place.

Join our mailing list for exclusive offers, news, and more. By joining the Freshest community, you will be the first to streamline your grocery cart at the tap of a button.